Saturday, December 5, 2009

What is the best way to get rid of black heads?

I have a bunch of black heads around my nose but how do i get rid of them? Ive heard about the blackhead eraser, but does it work good? Please give me any advise on how to get rid of them. thanks!What is the best way to get rid of black heads?

it is very effective and expensive

also here are some useful tips

# Use a mild exfoliating scrub and warm water to wash your face and help expose the blackhead. Pat your face dry with a soft clean towel.

# Soak the blackhead for at least 10 minutes using a washcloth and the warmest water you can stand. This softens the blackhead. Pat the area dry again with a soft clean towel.

# Try this procedure only once or twice. If it doesn't work, take a break. Forcing it could make the blackhead worse or cause scarring.

# Repeat this procedure after several days, if necessary. In the meantime, continue to soak your blackhead with a warm washcloth while bathing to keep it soft.What is the best way to get rid of black heads?
Get some tea tree oil, fill a sink with hot water, fold a flannel, and put it in the water. Shake about 6 drops of tea tree oil over the flannel, apply to face a few times, and hold it in place for a minute or 2.

Do this twice a day, and you wont have any problems with blackheads.

I used to get them, until I was advised to do this.
When you're in the shower, use hot water, it makes steam that will unlock your pores. always wash your face before you go to bed %26amp; make sure you dry it with a clean towel

%26amp; change your pillow case often, this will help oil from getting on your face.
If you mix brown sugar with your face wash and use it twice a day for 2-3 weeks they will all disappear. The black head eraser works great!

If you go to the Bosy Shop, there are these metal devices with holes at the end to press and remove blackheads. Come out of a hot shower or bath and do this and then keep it clean! x

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