Sunday, December 13, 2009

Black Heads!!!!!!?

I have these black heads above my chin and under my mouth i've tried everything to get them off.What should I do???Black Heads!!!!!!?
I have tons on my nose....I use the Biore Strips and they work very well.....they also have strips for the chin - u might want to use themBlack Heads!!!!!!?
black heads are caused by oily pores. use a great pure safe botanical acne line like arbonne and it will be gentle on your skin and help you alot www.beautifulskinstartshere. and it will help you with any skin issues
Go to your own private, five-star facialist! Duh! Well I have perfect skin, so how would I know what it is like to have gross skin like yours!

Everyone Loves Me,

Camille Leon

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