Sunday, December 13, 2009

What is the difference between black heads and white heads?

i just woke up in the morning and i got a tinny dots white in my face. every days they increasing, they really itchy and disgusting? how could i cure or avoid them?What is the difference between black heads and white heads?
Black heads are generally from dirt so they look dark or black. White heads or pimples are white/yellowish pus. If the ones on your face are itchy though thats a sign of some sort of allergic reaction or infection. I'd suggest taking a visit to walk in clinic or your dr just to make sure its nothing serious.What is the difference between black heads and white heads?
Black heads are black and white heads are white. But if you woke up with stuff like that and they keep getting worse, maybe you should let a doctor check it out. You might be allergic to something or have an infection. or maybe you're going through really abnormal puberty. (lol on the last one.)
You could have an infection or might be in the early stages of acne (this is serious) go to your dermatologist to get this checked out now!!
Black heads is nappy and fuzzy

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