Friday, December 11, 2009

How do I get rid of black heads?

For black people, black heads are those little really dark marks that appear after a pimple is gone, right?How do I get rid of black heads?
hot water and soap on your face, after awhile, pores of skin open because of hot water, then some will come off, some you have to squeeze them outHow do I get rid of black heads?
Squeeze them out ?
Use a heavy axe or sharp Samurai sword (technique %26amp; skill needed).

Or soak in sulphuric acid (100%) for 24 hours.
it is when dirt gets under your skin forming little heads....i have them too. use the blackhead eraser from helps me
Neutrogena Blackhead Eraser. Works really good!!
frequent washing of your face with soap could help to minimizes the possibility to have blackheads or stubborn dirt inside your pores. Using of lukewarm water could help to open up your pores then your could gently squeeze them out then use cold water to close your pores so dirt could not get in much easily right after you remove some or all of them. If its really difficult to remove or get rid of then that would be the time to seek help to a dermatology. GOOD LUCK!

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