Saturday, December 5, 2009

Is it bad to pop black heads out from your skin with your fingers?

acne: Is it bad to pop black heads from your nose or would it leave holes in your skin?Is it bad to pop black heads out from your skin with your fingers?
It wouldn't leave holes in your skin, but yes, you can spread bacteria from the black heads and onto other areas of your skin and cause infections if you're not careful. I would recommend using a facial cleanser containing salicylic acid. What the salicylic acid does is slow down the skin shedding inside a pore which causes acne and also breaks down black and white heads. Cleansers such as Neutrogena or Biore has some products that heats up when you apply it on your face (it's a self-warming cleanser I think?) which is pretty effective. If you've used all the cleanser in the world and the black head still bothers you, I would recommend going to see a dermatologist to get some stronger creams and cleansers.Is it bad to pop black heads out from your skin with your fingers?
I haven't heard of anyone one getting infected by doing it but it's not completely effective. most of the time you won't get the whole black head out. it can also damage your skin if you don't do it properly, both temperarily and by leaving scars.
people tell me its bad to pick at acne but i occasionally do anyways... you can get depressions (acne scars) in your skin from picking at acne; but i think thats more from the large, angry white heads.
well the things that are inside of a pimple get on your fingers then spread on your face when you touch your face and that makes more blackheads so i recommend something with a sacrilc acid
well i hear its bad because it spreads bacteria around your face but no it will not leave holes in your face. if you want i would recommend biore pore strips which help take out alot of blackheads.
Yes you will get an infection. See a dermatologist or use something else for it. kh
You shouldn't do it often. But when you do make sure your hands are clean.



CLEAN %26amp;%26amp; CLEAN

WiLl HELp ACNE q00d
#1 poping it is freakin nasty

#2 u should not pop them they'll leave holes in ur face

#3 use creams to get rid of it
yes definatly, dont pick!, use cream
Don't do it, it will enlarge your pores.

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