Stop washing your face with baconHow do you get rid of black heads on your nose?
Biore Pore Perfect Deep Cleansing Pore Strips
Pop one on, wait a few minutes and pull it off. It will look like a little disgusting forest of inverted blackheads adhered to the strip. Marvelously effective.
Use a clean white wash cloth everytime you wash your face, plus find a good cleanser, maybe Neutrogena to start. You should wash your face at least twice daily.
Use a scrub mask once a week.
Use Bior'e nose strips once a week.
In about a month you'll see a huge diff.
Biore pore strips are best.
You probably shouldn't pop. Its a lot of squeezing on your skin and it makes your skin swell a little, it can't be good.
Use pore strips and facial peels help too. I've used neutrogena Acne Mark Fading Peel. It has an enzyme in it that exfoliates off the dead layer of skin and the dirt on your face. Blackheads are just dirt (not actual dirt but dead skin cells, sweat, and sebum) in your pores. If you have the money get a facial at a salon, they know how to use a lance or an extractor to get out your blackheads and trapped sebum (waxy stuff that can accumulate in your pores). Salons also have stronger peels.
You can use a lance or extractor yourself they sell them at drug stores, but you can damage your skin easily and they tend to make you more obsessed about your blackheads! I know I am! The extractor is better than squeezing I think.
I think the strips work the best without damaging your skin and they are cheap.
Hope this helps
medicated creams and other such ointments just keep trying them out till you find the one that works for you.. they dont get rid of themselves as im sure you know. Proactive works pretty well... as well as the bijore nose strips
Boil your head ! just kidding try Noxema blackhead cleaner they are giving free samples on their site
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:--black heads
It may be your diet. Greasy and fast foods produce more acne. The body must get rid of the toxins ingested, this may be in the foods that you eat or the liquids that you consume. If it is not that, then, and I don't know your age, it may be alcohol. That is, indeed, a toxin, and it will come out, one way or another. (lol). However, if it is neither, I would recommend trying washing several times daily, if this is your only problem area. You might also mention this to your regular MD, and see what he/she recommends. It may be more than the 'normal' acne that everyone gets. In that case, you may need to see a dermatologist. Sometimes persistant acne can be a symptom of a long-term problem, like rosacea. I am in my 30's and I still get acne on occasion. I attribute it towards too many toxins in my system that need to get out. Good luck.
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