Saturday, December 5, 2009

How do you get rid of black heads and spots?

I have loads of blackheads and spots, they cover my face everywhere. Ihave tried lots of stuff to get rid of them but they dont work. Do you know any good productsHow do you get rid of black heads and spots?
I have whiteheads, and i saw a site that said use benzoil peroxide. I wash with Neutrogena Acne soap, with salylic acid, rinse, dry, then add a liberal amount of benzoil peroxide on them. It seems to help...let me find the can try the steps and see if it helps you. Here are a few...Good Luck!How do you get rid of black heads and spots?
You are very welcome. Hopefully it helps! Report Abuse

Go to the dermotologist - or try this stuff called MD Forte III, Very good and my derm gave it to me. It is a little expensive but it really works. Wash you face with it and leave it on for a minute or two then rinse.
For blackheads use Clear'n'Clear Blackhead remover, and for spots use a scar remover or skin bleaching cream (which will only lighten marks -not turn you into Micheal Jackson). Good places to look for cheaper products is Wal-Mart, or similar stores. Other more expensive places can be found in your local mall at Dillards, Macy's, Marshall Fields, etc.
Try a laser face peel for the spots or use a oatmeal based face soap. Oatmeal is good for your skin. For the black heads.. why dont you try squeezing the blackheads out?
I hear Proactiv really works
I used to have some bad acne too, and lot's of blackheads but when I tried these they went away. I have this one great cleanser that gets rid of blackheads and white heads. It's called Clean %26amp; Clear Deep Cleaning Astringent. I used and in like 4-5 days my acne just cleared up. As for spots use AVON Clearskin Targeted Blemish Remover. Put some on overnight and they just dissapear.
I would first say visit a dermotologist and have them removed. Second try using seabreeze on your skin.
mix a small amount of baking soda and warm water, soak a cotton, put it on your face, wait 10-15 min. and wash it off, it will squeeze out easier, also do facials monthly, to avoid like a charm
Have you tried using Biore? Before you take a shower or wash your face use a cleansing pad to get rid of the oil, dirt, and makeup. Then use Apricot scrub by St. Ives and exfoliate your skin. Do not scrub your face or else b/c that will make things worse. Then after you scrub your face use a biore strip, or a one minute black head removal by Sally Hansen. It also comes with a small brush so that you can brush out the black heads. It is not going to clear up in a day or two, but if you use this method everyday then you should be able to see results in about one week.
biore has this blackhead clenser thing that you stick onyo your nose or face and wait and then pull it off. It cleans out the pores and makes them look smaller. They come in nose strips or nose and face strips. Only like 6 dollars. (Go to Walmart)
use egg whites as maskes...cleans out in 2 weeks
Squeeze them.
Nutrogena is good because it gets rid of black heads!!!. Or ask a dematologist.

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