Saturday, December 5, 2009

How can i get rid of pimples and black heads fast?

I have three huge pimples and one hugeblack head i need to get rid od fast!How can i get rid of pimples and black heads fast?
what i do is one of the following...

get a china clay mask...these are can get them in department stores or stores like sephora or at the proactiv kiosk in your mall

or put a large dot of 10% benezoyl peroxide (clearasil or oxy) on the zits as long as your are awake (and not in public) or asleep...How can i get rid of pimples and black heads fast?
Use Benzol Peroxide and do not touch them or pick at them
steam room alcohol on the face and drink lot and lots of water and no drugs
Burts Bees ance stick well its more like an oil but its all natural and one dab before u go to bed and poof healed in the morning but make sure to pop it first and yes it will burn oh and u can buy it at like gift areas of all different kinds of places

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