Saturday, June 26, 2010

What's an easy, simple way to get rid of black-heads?

I have a few small black-heads pimple things on my nose that i have had for months, %26amp; i wash my face with a face-wash twice daily %26amp; put this creme stuff on but they still arn't gone. How can i get rid of them?What's an easy, simple way to get rid of black-heads?
Stand over your sink with the hot water running, sometimes I use a towel over my head for like 5 mins. This helps open pours. Then stand in front of the mirrior and start pushing them out with your fingers, or a wet rag.

Wash your face at night before you go to bed, and in the morning again, wash your pillow case often so you don't roll around at night in your own sweat and dirt.

Get a facial every once and awhile to help keep on top of things.What's an easy, simple way to get rid of black-heads?
buy some Biore Pore Strips. Believe me, they're like MAGIC. I love them! they get all the dirt otu and they get rid of ALL my blackheads in so little time!

What you do is you cleanse your face first. then get a towel and put it in the hottest water you can find, twist out all the water and then cover your nose with the towel. The steam will open all your pores so you can get the dirt out even easier. wet your nose area and then put on the Biore Pore Strip. Wait until the strip gets hard like a paper mache feel. Should take about 5-8 mins. rip off one side then the other and then the middle. yeah you're gonna look at it and be like ewww look at that! blah blah but after you do that, cleanse your face again and get all the gluey gunk off that the strip might have left on. apply a toner and then get an ice cube and rub it all over your nose./ the toner will take out any excess dirt it might have missed and the ice will close the pores so no more gunk will enter.


steam your nose%26gt;apply the strip, take out any wrinkles%26gt;5-10 mins later or however long it takes, take off strip%26gt;cleanse%26gt;toner%26gt;ice.
Use acne soap!

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your going to have to take the head out of skin. Make sure you have some running water and a towel in case of blood and puss.Take out the head and drain the surrounding skin.
use Blackhead Eliminating Scrub.


If you dont want to get that, use anything that has salicylic acid in it.

good luck :)
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