Thursday, June 24, 2010

How can i get rid of black heads and clogged pores?

I don't have acne

but i have some clogged pores and black heads mostly on my nose

i've tried biore nose strips and steaming my face

but it only gets rid of a few

any ideas?

Thank you

How can i get rid of black heads and clogged pores?
I have the same problem! no acne but clogged pores and blackheads mostly on my nose

I just started a retinoid gel that I put on before i go to bed which is suppose to help. I've heard its really good for your skin and also helps towards future zits if you were to get them now and then too.

It also has vitamin A in it! so it won't dry your skin out but will help with aging too

I got it prescribed by my doctor because I had heard it was good from different sources (magazines, internet, dr. will from big brother haha) I've only just started it so I can't say if it works for sure yet, but you should still go and ask your doctor about it, its not too expensive, about $20 and that was just with my regular provincial health care, so if you have health care through your work or something else, it will be even less!

How can i get rid of black heads and clogged pores?
鈥?A great inexpensive facial scrub is just to make a paste using Almondmeal (from any supermarket) mixed with a bit of milk (great for sesitive skin). Simply put it in a bowl together and then rub it into your face. It leaves your face very bright and brings circulation giving you a fantastic glow. Raw sugar is also another great ingrediant to use. Just simply massage it into your face and rinse off with cold water. Before doing any sort of scrub, steam your face over a bowl of hot water with a towl over your head. This will open up and soften your pores, allowing them to get cleaned. Washing your face with cold water after the scrub tightens the pores and makes them look smaller and less visible. Hope this helps :) you can also find a lot of great recipes for homemade scrubs on google! goodluck
Clense your face every morning and night with some dermalogica.

Use oil free moisturiser and avoid wearing a lot of makeup :)

Also drink a lot of water, and cut back on junk food eg takeup, lollies, chocolates etc (if you eat it alot)

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