Saturday, June 26, 2010

What is the fastest and the best way to get rid of black heads?

what is the fastest and the best way to get rid of black heads?

btw i mean the black heads on the nose and what is the best creams or any products to use for my face 'cuse i always get zits on my nose and even thought i don't touch them after like 1 week they disapear but a scar remains...what do i doo?????!! HELP and thnxWhat is the fastest and the best way to get rid of black heads?
Go to Walmart (they have it at TJ max also) and buy a jar of Dead Sea Salt.... This is the only thing that has ever worked for my acne. I had severe acne for 7 years and went to the doctors 10+ times. No prescriptions worked, no over the counter medications worked. NOTHING worked... until i made a trip to the ocean one time, and it all cleared up from the salt water. So go to the store, buy some dead sea salt, and use it when you wash your face everyday, it exfoliates and cleans... The first couple times you use it, it WILL burn.. but just stick it out, the burn will go away and your skin will be super clean and clear. good luck!

P.S. regular table salt does not work. You have to get the real dead sea salt.What is the fastest and the best way to get rid of black heads?
jumper cables and a car.
Pop it? idk
  • bead necklace
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