Thursday, June 24, 2010

Is there any way of removing black heads from my skin?


I've tried black head strips and they seem to have no effect.

I use this tropical face wash thing for acne which clears that up, but has no effect on clearing my black heads.

What can I do?Is there any way of removing black heads from my skin?
Apricot scrub should do the trick. You can get it at any department store or drug store in the beauty section.Is there any way of removing black heads from my skin?
There are a few remedies out on the market, for example: There are devices out there for manually removing blackheads, aside from strips. There are also stronger medicated scrubs aimed at blackheads as well. I'd suggest talking with a dermatologist for the time being, and seeing what options are available. People's skins are all different.

If anything, and I'm not one for using this method frequently, giving them a light, little squeeze may be the best course, if you're looking for a quick fix. When they do clear, by whichever method you try, make sure to keep your skin clean and washed. Adding a topical ointment may also help.

They'll clear, sooner or later. Everyone gets them, no matter what age you are. Good luck! ^_^
where do you have them?

i only had them on my nose.

i use Proavtive refining mask. i dont use it on my pimples, just my blackheads. cover your blackheads with it before you go to bed at night and wash it off with warm water in the morning. they get better in 3-4 days, but it takes a little longer for them to fully go away. mine are gone, btw. it worked. :)
Drink more water it helps

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