Saturday, June 26, 2010

How to get rid off black heads on your face?

ive got like a few black heads on my nose and either side, ive tried strips, exfoliators, clearsil blackhead scrub etc but they dont seem to go ive heard of all these lotions and mixing your own thing but i just want something simple!! somedays my skin can be oily which i hate the other dry?? i just dont know what to do and i want a quick and easy solution please help..How to get rid off black heads on your face?
Get a blackhead scoop - pretty gross and a bit painful but once you get the hang of it you'll be really pleased with the results.How to get rid off black heads on your face?
First off, no matter what method you never squeeze your blackheads, because they leave potheads (scars) in other words your scaring your pores. Believe me I have them on my nose because I would just squeeze them.

Here is the easiest method of all (salt water solution). Before bed just get a hot glass of water and pour salt in, boil the water if you can, and shake the glass to mix any salt resdue left at the bottom of the glass. Then take a paper towel, fold it, and pour the salt water solution on it, then rub on the areas where you have blackheads, they will be dryed up by morning.
well some people say that scrub your face everyday but that just damages precious facial oils. i would recommend you wash your face with soap first with warm water and then use tea tree oil facial wash which is a natural and very effective way to exfoliate and cleanse your face. if you do this reguarly then the excess oil and black heads will gradually go. also make sure you change your face towel when it begins to get wet because there is oil and germs from your face that rubs back on to your face when you dry your face

hope i helped xxxxxxx
I'm all blackheads. Twice a year I spring for a dermatologist spa treatment, and they use tools and scrubs to really clean out my face. My skin looks amazing for a few weeks, and then I keep up regularly with skin scrubs and a good exfoilator (sp?). Once my pores start getting bad again, I go back!
In the morning, steam your face with a facial steamer.鈥?/a>

Then use the exfoliators and strips. They say to do stuff to your face in the am because it'll heal better. That's why plastic surgens only do surgery in the am.
fill a bowl with hot water, put your face over it and then a towel on top of your head to trap the steam. sit like that for 20 minutes and that will steam open your pores. then quickly squeeze them. voila!

good luck :]
You could look into the natural acne cure.
My friend was put on the pill. it cleared her spots up in no time :) free and even protects from unwanted pregnancies. win win win.
buy a cream for it

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