Thursday, June 24, 2010

How can i get rid of black heads?

how can i get rid of black head?

the clean and clear formula didnt work what might?How can i get rid of black heads?
The Clean and Clear Formula actually has pore-clogging ingredients in it that makes your skin worse. Here's a list of pore-cloggers:鈥?/a>

You need a combination of the right products used in the right way to get and keep your skin clear. If you want more help with this, email me at

For free information about acne, go to the website listed below.How can i get rid of black heads?
pour hot water into a bowl , put a towel over your head to keep the heat in , and your pores will open , this is also good for colds , if you add lemon or mint juice to it .

whilst your pores are still open , get twessers and squeeze out the black head , this won't leave a scar , as it's a black head .

DO NOT use soap and water as this strip your skin of the protective film is has , which will make your skin dry , and irratable , and since it's less proctected your prone to spots even more
Get a small towel.

soak it with very hot water.

turn the towel in order to remove the water and keep the towel hot.

put the towel on the area where u see black heads and keep it for a while like for a min or until u fell ur face is hot enough for ur pores to open.

Use a tissue paper or cotton to clean the blackheads.

Press really strong to clean.

when u r done

take the towel

soak it in cold water.

and apply the towel to the cleaned area to close the pores back.
if you crush up a couple of 325mg Aspirin (must be Aspirin, nothing else) tablets and mix with a few drops of water, then apply directly to your effected areas of your face, and leave it on, you will start to see a change in 1 - 2 hours.
proactiv works awesomely in like one day on any zit.

answer mine?;_ylt=Andmmm4I0dYB.cSWURP4fQ0azKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20090213124645AAi1tcI
that clearasil bottle that i think is purple, it it good you get rid of them quick, but they always sneak up on you
for black heads hire the KKK

JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK i loove black people

listen to the other guys^^^
proactive omg this stuff works wonders! I know its expsensive for some people but its great!
Soap and water...try it. Brushing your teeth couldnt hurt either.
someone said use soap and water dont use that it ages you T trees good
Try proactive. My son is 13 and gets acne. I bought proactive and it cleared him right up.

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